Maria Jane; born 1840 in Belmont,Ohio - died about 1930, married Jerry Jeremiah Lanning
14th apr. 1859 in Monroe, Ohio.
Mary; born 6th of April 1842 in Belmont, Ohio- Married Robert McCullough
Jacob; born 1844 in Ohio
Sarah; born 7th Oct, 1844 in Ohio- died 26th Mar 1921in Alton, Missouri. Married John
Mills 22 may 1866 in Muskingum, Ohio
Permillia Mead; born 21 Feb. 1845 in Ohio - died 1933 in Alton, Missouri
and Burried in Zanesville, Ohio. Married Caleb Bowner.
James; born 4 Sept. 1849 in Ohio - died Nov 1940 in Guernsey co., Ohio.
William Henry; born 31 Jan 1852 in Zanesville, Ohio. -died 6 Sep 1942 Alton,
Missouri Married Helen Minich 1 Apr 1877 in Doverhill, Indiana.
Samuel Greenburg; born 1854 in Oregon co., Missouri - died 1899 Oregon co., Missouri.
Married Martha J. Williams 23 Sept. 1882 in Alton, Missouri
John jr. born 1856 in Zanesville, Indiana. - died 1958.
Amanda; born 26th Oct 1860 In Zanesville, Indiana-
died 18 Mar 1939 in Oregon co., Missouri. Married Oliver Joseph/ James Harrington
24th Jul 1883.