Times New Roman; Minnich Kills Millsap... Ves. Millsap Shot and Instantly Killed by Luther Minnich. Minnich Immediately
Fled and his Whereabouts is Yet Unknown. Last Monday afternoon, February 3, 1908, between the hours of three and four o'clock,
Luther Minnich and Ves. Millsap met, as per agreement in the forenoon, at George Chronister's, in a piece of ground where
Chronister was clearing, to settle a dispute they were having over some timber on twenty acres of land bought that Millsap
bought of Chronister, and to settle the claim made by Minnich, that he had bought the timber on the land prior to the sale
of the land from Chronister to Millsap.\line These men met at Chronsiter's hosue and went out to the clearing where Chronister
was. Millsap was riding a mule and when they arrived at the clearing they were quarreling and Millsap got down off the mule
and Minnich drew a revolver as he did so and Millsap started to the far side of his mule to keep Minnich from shooting him.
Minnich stepped three or four steps toward Millsap and fired, the ball entering Millsap's head just behind the left ear and
coming out just in front of the right ear, killing Millsap instantly. There were three men as eye witnesses to the shooting.
Minnich walked away, and as we go to press, is still in hiding. Minnich did in a moment what he has a lifetime to repent of.
This is one of the results of carrying a 44 Colts. F. B. Millsap, of Chaffee, Mo., was called home Monday on account of the
death of his father, Chris Millsap, who died Sunday at 11:30 a.m. of stomach trouble, pneumonia, and the death of his son,
Ves, by the murderer's bullet.\line\par Another old time citizen, Chris Millsap has been called to come up higher. Millsap
had lived in this county a number of years, and had accumulated a good home and good living. He died March 8, 1908, about
11:30 A.M. of stomach trouble and other complications. He was a good citizen. His remains were laid to rest in the Hickory
Grove cemetery 28 Thursday, 27 May 1909 IS CAPtURED Luther Minnich Brought in Last SaturdayA LONG CHASE Ended
When He Was Arrested in Spokane, Washington, on May 10, 1909. He Killed Ves Millsap Near Cane Bluff In This County on February
3, 1908, and has Been a Fugitive Since. Luther Minnich, who shot and killed Ves Millsap near Cane Bluff, this county, February
3d, 1908, and who made his escape at the time was captured at Spokane, Washington, May 10th and brought back here to face
the chare of murder.\line The trouble between Millsap and Minnich arose over the ownership of a small amount of timber claimed
by both parties, and is said to have culminated after the matter had been left to an arbitration committee who reported in
favor of Millsap.\line Immediately after the shooting occurred Minnich departed for parts unknown, and had not been heard
of until a few weeks ago. Sheriff Davis located him a[t] Russell, Idaho, though letters received here by Davis and others
making inquiry regarding one "John Short" who claimed to have been a saw mill man in this county, and who acted in a rather
suspicious manner. The description given of Short tallied so well with that of Minnich that Sheriff Davis began setting the
machinery of the law in motion to effect his capture. Meanwhile, during the time this correspondence was going on Minnich
had become alarmed and left Russell and went to Spokane, Wash., where he was again located and arrested by the authorities
there under information from Sheriff Davis. On receiving a dispatch that Minnich was in custody, Sheriff Davis, armed with
a requisition on the governor of Washington, proceeded to Spokane where he found his man and brought him safely home, arriving
here last Saturday afternoon.\line Minnich says when he left here he went to Port Arthur, Texas, and shipped on a vessel to
Holland. In a short time he returned across the Atlantic to Porto Rico, and thence up the coast to Hampton Roads. Later he
went to Chicago, thence through Canada, and finally landed in Russell, Idaho. Had he not been arrested the day he was he would
have gone to Canada the next day. After being taken into custody Minnich acknowledged his identity and said he would come
back to Missouri without requisition, stating that he was tired of dodging, and he knew that sooner or later Charley Davis
would get him.\line Minnich is now behind the bars in the county jail.\par \fs28 Thursday, 22 July 1909 Circuit Court. Tuesday
closed a ten days session of circuit court n Alton which was contested throug[h]out by both plaintiff and defendant. Among
the criminal cases the most interest centered around the case of the State of Mo., vs. Luther Minnich charged with the murder
of Ves Millsap in February 1908. There was a great deal of conflicting evidence and the only very difficult problem seemed
to hinge as to the attitude or position the deceased was in at the time of the shooting. The case was taken up Monday after
the jury had been secured and the evidence and argument consumed all the time from 9 a.m. Monday until 10 p.m. when the case
was submitted to the jury. The jury was out 12 hours when they returned a verdict of 9 to 3 in favor of acquit[t]al. The case
was continued until the next regular term of court.